sunshine and sweet tea: two beautiful things the south is known for. with sunshine comes shadows, where secrets are hidden; and with sweet tea comes a whole mess of health issues, and bugs. i don't like ants, they just don't die, and cockroaches creep me the eff out.
but this space here is for the sunshine and sweet tea in my life. i'm a southern girl (even if it is by transplant) through and through. although i'm proud to say i possess nomadic qualities and i've lived all over the US. i hope to continue on this voyage, visiting and living in more stellar places i haven't heard of yet.
some recent life events have left me tired of hearing "keep your head up." the eye-opener was when i realized this wasn't a one-time deal and this was just my life. thankfully it is not my job to see the good side of the bad.

the following are simply things that bring a smile to my face, like sunshine and sweet tea.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Can't get shingles.

Distance does to love what wind does to fire. It extinguishes the weak and feeds the strong.

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