sunshine and sweet tea: two beautiful things the south is known for. with sunshine comes shadows, where secrets are hidden; and with sweet tea comes a whole mess of health issues, and bugs. i don't like ants, they just don't die, and cockroaches creep me the eff out.
but this space here is for the sunshine and sweet tea in my life. i'm a southern girl (even if it is by transplant) through and through. although i'm proud to say i possess nomadic qualities and i've lived all over the US. i hope to continue on this voyage, visiting and living in more stellar places i haven't heard of yet.
some recent life events have left me tired of hearing "keep your head up." the eye-opener was when i realized this wasn't a one-time deal and this was just my life. thankfully it is not my job to see the good side of the bad.

the following are simply things that bring a smile to my face, like sunshine and sweet tea.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

something of a barnburner

time for some good news.
i had a PET scan a few weeks ago. what seems like years ago now.
no, sophia didn't have surgery. a PET scan is positron emission tomography scan. i know this because some pamphlet from the hospital tells me so.
a PET scan is just a fancy CT scan that uses nuclear medicine imagery. it measures body functions like blood flow, oxygen use and glucose metabolism to help the MDs take a guess at how well organs and tissues are functioning. in my case, organs that have been infected with the cancer beast.
i peed in a cup and they said i wasn't pregnant and it was cool to proceed. if i had a dollar for every prego test i've taken in the past year, son, i'd make one stripper very happy.
next they injected small amounts of radioactive material in me. i'm quite sure that any amount of radioactive material is too much, but i really wasn't in a position to complain. after all, i needed to know if the cancer was still present.
so we waited a bit and i made smalltalk with this poor sap who was going to be looking at my innards and i'm sure he was praying i'd just shut my mouth. he started the scan using the CT machine which helps the MDs make their educated guesses more educated. i was told it was a PET/CT machine but i've had a hundred, maybe more, CT scans and i didn't see a difference in the machine. whatever, i'm no educated guesser. doctor. whatever. i'm neither.
the scan is a non-invasive procedure. i wasn't in the hospital for any amount of time. just long enough to be annoyed at having to wait. little did i know, i'd have to wait for effing weeks for the damn results. (i'd probably still be waiting because my "real" doctor is on vacation somewhere in mexico (again.) so i had to have a doctor at work call and get the results but whatever, that's beside the point.)
what's the point of this long-winded go-on-forever story? there's no sign of cancer in my body. this doesn't mean i'm cured. it's considered in remission. however. if it stays this way for a fiver, then i (and you) can say i'm cured.
so fuck you, cancer. fuck you.
and thank YOU for all your happy thoughts, support and amazingness.
the battle will never be over. it's always just begun.
but this little step is up and over.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Got to stand.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Monday, August 30, 2010

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Shot at going free.

Without law there is anarchy. There is anarchy anyway. Spine is key.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Commissioner rejection.

3 minutes with a fashion magazine makes 70% of women of all ages feel guilty, depressed and shameful.
Average American woman is 5'4" and 140 pounds.
Average American model is 5'11" and 115 pounds.
90% of college aged women are sometimes or often on a diet.
Ages 9-11 year old girls are 46% sometimes or often on a diet.
Americans spent 12.4 billion on cosmetic surgery in 2004.

Friday, August 27, 2010

friday night fights.

leaving work "early" due to impending overtime feels like punishment.
spending the afternoon and evening with the puppy, however, does not.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

external connections.

if you don't get these, you don't get me.

it has begun. the road to the bowl.